Myrica cerifera (Wax Myrtle)
Wax myrtle is a popular landscape tree and is often used as a dense hedge for natural screening, island applications, buffer strips around parking lots, and median strip plantings in the highway. It is also ideal for use as a small tree, the lower limbs removed to reveal its picturesque form. Tolerant of light or heavy soils and wet or dry conditions with a moderate salinity tolerance, it is excellent for native area restoration on sandy coastal and woodland sites throughout the Southeast. Rapid-growing and a striking evergreen., without pruning, it will grow as wide as it is tall, usually 10 to 20′.
Other than its benefits as a landscape plant and wildlife food source it is also considered a deer repellant. It is suggested that the dwarf forms be planted in close proximity to the plants that deer prefer. Screening with wax myrtles can also be deterrence to hungry deer.
The aromatic compounds present in wax myrtle foliage seem to repel insects, particularly fleas. It was traditionally planted around southern homes and dog pens to help keep them pest free. A sprig of wax myrtle in a closet or drawer is reputed to keep cockroaches out.

‘Don’s Dwarf’
Selected by Don Whiddon for its:
- compact habit 3-5′ height and spread
- leaf spot resistance
- drought tolerance
- salt and wet soil tolerant
Widely accepted in the trade as the dwarf wax myrtle of choice. Zone 7a-10b. Click Here for more information on Don’s Dwarf.

Compact, mounding, with light green foliage. Discovered by Mr. Bill Craven outside Fairfax, SC.
6-8′ h Useful when a taller plant is required.
USDA Zones 7a-10b.

‘Little Bull’
A cultivar with darker green and larger leaves than most other forms. A Worthington Farms introduction, they have this to say: ‘Little Bull’ makes an excellent pruned screen and can be tree-formed. It is tolerant of salt spray and can be planted in full sun or half shade.
Maturity: 10-15′ x 10-15′.
Zone 7-10.

1G Wax Myrtles
We also offer seedling grown wax myrtle in 1g containers. Very full with many plants per pot, this is the perfect choice for growing on to larger sizes