Rushing Nursery | Growers of Quality | Semes, AL

Harbor Belle™

Nandina domestica ‘Jaytee’ PP#14,668

A superlative, low growing nandina selected for its multiple attributes of size, color, hardiness, and vigor. An excellent choice as a colorful low-growing, low maintenance foundation plant for use in beds, borders, and landscape islands. 18-24h” x 24″w in 5 years. Harbor Belle is considered a significant improvement over the cultivar ‘Harbour Dwarf’. Named for Ralph and Pattis’s daughter, Jessica Tyner Rushing. (Jaytee)

Click here for more information about Harbor Belle.

‘Royal Princess’

Royal Princess has finer textured foliage and a rhizomatous habit, resulting in continuously renewed growth from the base of the plant, thus maintaining a dense planting from top to bottom. Considered one of the better large growing cultivars. Heavy fruit set. 6-8’.


Very uniform and compact growth. Maintains a tight, angular form with excellent orange-red winter color. Fruits sparingly and does not sucker. 3-4′.


Dwarf variety with very compact growth. Lime-green leaves turn bright red by fall. Does not bear fruit. 2′ x 2.

‘Lowboy’ PP #5560

Lowboy has dense broad-mounded habit with the ultimate size being from 3-4’ h x 3-4’w in 10 years. Bronze to metallic bluish green to reddish purple winter color foliage, and a minimal fruit set. Considered an improvement over the numerous strains of Compacta. Introduced by Rushing Nursery in 1983. The first nandina to be patented in the US.


A densely mounded form of the standard nandina . reddish-purple foliage in the fall. Moderate fruit set. Lower-growing than the species 4-6′.


A beautiful lacy specimen with new growth tinged mahogany-red and summer leaves of pale aqua. 2-3′ in height. Minimal fruiting Also known as ‘San Gabriel’ or ‘Kurijusi’.